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APS unveils Jet Upset Mastery Program
The ‘Every Pilot in Control’ UPRT Mastery Program enhances pilot proficiency and resilience through integrated on-aircraft training, jet-specific advanced simulation and type-specific mixed/virtual reality modules.

Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), a provider of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), has launched its ‘Every Pilot in Control’ UPRT Mastery Program, a tiered Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) risk mitigation initiative culminating in the Platinum Standard.

The ‘Every Pilot in Control’ (EPIC) UPRT Mastery Program enhances pilot proficiency and resilience through integrated on-aircraft training, jet-specific advanced simulation and type-specific mixed/virtual reality modules. Importantly, this programme seamlessly interfaces with, and augments, existing regulatory initial or recurrent training at aviation centres. APS's EPIC UPRT Mastery Program focuses on UPRT to improve manual flight operation proficiency, in-crisis resilience and overall aircraft control, enhancing pilots’ competencies in everyday flight operations.

“APS’s escalating standards in flight path management and airplane control mastery are a significant leap forward in pilot training, enabling professional pilots to master the skills necessary to prevent Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) and increase safety margins in virtually every aspect of in-flight operations,” says CEO Paul BJ Ransbury. “Our programme is designed to map into existing training approaches and regulatory requirements, leveraging focused UPRT expertise.”

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