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Monte commits $300m to seaglider partnership
The $300m deal will provide financing solutions for seagliders. Monte will offer Regent customers operating and finance leases, along with infrastructure financing to facilitate seaglider operations.
Monte will provide leasing and financing options for Regent's Viceroy and Monarch seagliders.
Read this story in our June 2024 printed issue.

Maritime and aviation lessor Monte is to purchase up to $300 million of Regent's high-speed, zero-emissions coastal vessels and provide leasing and financing options for the 12 passenger Viceroy and 100 passenger Monarch seagliders to customers.

Regent represents the first OEM for Monte Maritime, a sustainable maritime lessor focused on financing decarbonised vessels. The agreement also signifies a significant commitment in the growing industry for leasing and financing electric vessels, offering a model for future collaborations in this space.

"With over 600 seagliders sold and our order book continuing to grow, more of our customers are asking for access to affordable operational lease and finance lease facilities," says Regent VP, commercial business development Adam Triolo. "Partnering with Monte allows us to offer our clients decades of finance experience to provide comprehensive financing solutions. We look forward to working with Monte to advance our shared vision of decarbonising maritime travel."

Monte also plans to finance and lease the required infrastructure needed for operating seagliders, including charging networks, battery storage and any required port infrastructure upgrades.

"We will provide a full turn-key solution, through vessel and infrastructure financing, for operators looking for zero-emissions travel," says COO Timothy Eyre. "Working together to offer an easy-to-operate, full-package electric transport solution will help to accelerate the much-needed decarbonisation of the regional maritime industry."

The maritime sector is responsible for three per cent of the world's CO2 emissions. Adopting zero-emissions vessels in coastal transportation and overcoming hurdles to operation will be critical to the global effort to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

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