What's New?
Business Air News is celebrating 30 years of publication in 2019 with a series of major enhancements to our magazine, handbooks, web site and email bulletins.
MORE ISSUES - Business Air News will be monthly in 2019, including an extra edition in January.
WORLDWIDE - For the first time, four of our issues will feature news from North America (two issues), South America and the Asia Pacific, with fully-researched distribution to those regions.
LEADING IN EUROPE - To reflect this new global audience, EBAN has become simply Business Air News, but still has the same laser focus on business aviation in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Eight issues will carry the local news to our subscribers throughout the EMEA just as in the previous decades.
ALL MAJOR EXHIBITIONS - In 2019 Business Air News will have special editions for NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers, ABACE, EBACE, LABACE and NBAA-BACE, with bonus distribution at the show, as well as to business aircraft owners throughout each show's home continent.
MORE NEWS - Both on the web and in our weekly email Bulletin, our news coverage is greater than ever.
STRONGER TOGETHER - We have rebranded our hugely popular Handbook of Business Aviation and Global Business Jet Yearbook under the Business Air News Handbook name, and their researched data can be accessed via one web site.
BIGGER ONLINE - Our online data is being progressively expanded to cover North America, the biggest business aviation marketplace worldwide.
FAST AND MOBILE - Now mobile-friendly, the new Handbook web site has a clean and modern design with faster access to key data.
GLOBAL FOCUS - Our new Business Air News Handbook: Long Range Worldwide (formerly GBJY) will continue to provide a convenient single printed directory for the long-range business jet community.
EMEA ANALYSED - Our thorough knowledge of business aviation in the EMEA will ensure that our regional printed edition continues to feature highly accurate data.
LARGER FORMAT - Both printed editions will step up to full A4 size, providing easier reference for our users and more impact for our advertisers.
CUSTOMISED TWICE - Our weekly news Bulletin has been totally overhauled, and now delivers both news and advertising individually selected for each recipient.
OVER 50,000 - Our total audience around the world has now topped 50,000 and continues to rise fast.
ZERO WASTE ADVERTISING - Choose the specific audience you need, by aircraft type, country, region, activity and more, and only pay for the exact number of impressions delivered.