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Business Air News

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Customised twice, every email is different

Customisable Adjective: Able to be modified to suit a particular individual or task.

Here at Business Air News we take this definition very seriously. Why, in the information age, should you accept paying for email advertising arriving in the wrong inboxes?

We know exactly who our Bulletins go to. This means you can tailor precisely by whom, where and when your banners are seen, maximising the effectiveness of your campaign. This ensures that every Bulletin delivered reaches a genuine potential customer and squeezes every ounce of value out of every dollar spent.

To tailor your campaign, simply:

  • Choose continents, countries or worldwide
  • Choose aircraft categories or types
  • Choose business activities
  • See how many emails we have, and fine tune
  • Worldwide there are around 50,000 emails
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