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Advanced Flight NZ buoys yacht ops training with simulator
The Bell 429 sim recreates fluctuating deck surfaces, ship movements and challenging weather, providing Advanced Flight pilots with a realistic environment in which to perfect their yacht ops skills.
The HeliSpeed Bell 429 FNPT II MCC simulator.

New Zealand-based rotary operator Advanced Flight has incorporated HeliSpeed Academy’s Bell 429 FNPT II MCC simulator. This technology will play a key role in the company’s ongoing superyacht operational capabilities.

As yacht-based helicopter operations continue to rise, ensuring that pilots are fully prepared for the complexities of landing and taking off from them is crucial. HeliSpeed’s Bell 429 simulator recreates real-world maritime conditions, such as fluctuating deck surfaces, ship movements and challenging weather, giving Advanced Flight pilots the tools they need to perfect their skills in a highly realistic environment.

The Advanced Flight team can now train for a variety of dynamic scenarios, including precision landings, emergency response and coordinated operations with yacht crews. The simulator’s cutting-edge technology ensures that its pilots are thoroughly prepared to handle complex operations while maintaining the highest safety standards.

“We are continually looking for ways to enhance our operational excellence,” says Jeremy Cusiel, lead pilot of Advanced Flight superyacht operations. “Using HeliSpeed’s Bell 429 simulator allows us to rigorously train our pilots in conditions that mimic real-life yacht operations, ensuring that our team is fully equipped for any challenge.”

This new training effort will enable Advanced Flight to elevate its yacht operations to the next level. Whether navigating challenging sea conditions or mastering the intricacies of working with luxury yacht teams, this training ensures its pilots are among the best in the industry.

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