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New South Wales to benefit from engine monitoring
Equipping Black Hawks with Foresight MX marries innovation and safety together. The advanced remote monitoring will give crews detailed insight into the health of the aircraft, no matter where they're located.
Sydney will be better protected as a result of this investment.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) in Australia has selected HUMS solution Foresight MX for its Black Hawk fleet. With Foresight MX's all-in-one solution, the NSW RFS Black Hawks benefit from predictive aircraft and engine health monitoring, flight data monitoring (FDM), exceedance monitoring and integrated rotor track and balance.

A NSW RFS spokesperson said that the service places a high priority on aerial firefighting innovation, and ensuring the safety of its aircraft and crew is paramount. “Equipping our Black Hawks with Foresight MX marries innovation and safety together. The advanced remote monitoring will give our crews detailed insight into the health of the aircraft, no matter where they're located, and ensure we're flying safely and smoothly. This will allow us to better respond and support firefighting and emergency operations across the state.”

“The RFS is responsible for protecting the citizens, homes and the ecosystems of the 800,630 square kilometres of New South Wales,” adds Ronnie Ries, vice president of marketing at GPMS. “That's the equivalent of covering one-and-a-half times the area of France, in one of the most fire-prone areas on earth. Foresight's high affordability, paired with predictive analytics viewable remotely on any web-enabled device, will reduce the downtime and unscheduled maintenance costs of these aircraft. This is a big win for the citizens of NSW, and we're proud to support the RFS as it carries out its brush fire missions.”

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