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Canada West and Flight Data Systems complete recorder STC
The Sentry's small form factor meets certification standards for various aviation platforms, allowing easy installation onto existing cockpit voice recorder structural mountings without mods.

Flight Data Systems and Canada West Avionics have completed an Approved Model List (AML) STC for the TSO'd Sentry cockpit voice recorder (CVR) with recorder independent power supply (RIPS). This achievement underscores both companies' commitment and dedication to providing solutions, ensuring timely compliance with regulatory mandates and supplying products to the highest safety standards.

Gordon Bott, president of Canada West Avionics, shares his perspective on the AML STC, stating: “The AML STC for Flight Data Systems' Sentry CVR with RIPS for Part 25 aircraft is a significant achievement in our partnership. This certification allows us to offer an industry-leading recorder with a RIPS solution, ensuring compliance with the upcoming Canadian mandate. The Sentry's unique features, including its flexible physical configuration options, make installation and data retrieval seamless, providing added value to our service centres.”

The Part 25 AML STC includes 15 OEMs, such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer, Gulfstream and Textron, for over 75 popular aircraft models. The certified Sentry CVR is the smallest, lightest and lowest-power-consuming ED-112A recorder available today, with various TSO certifications.

Shane LaPlante, vice president of sales and marketing at Flight Data Systems, highlights the collaborative strength with Canada West Avionics: “The completion of the Part 25 AML STC for the Sentry CVR with RIPS underscores the strength of our partnership. The Sentry's reliability, functionality and ease of installation make it the preferred choice for operators seeking compliant solutions for their fleets. Together, we empower Canadian operators to meet regulatory requirements and enhance safety standards.”

The Sentry's small form factor meets SWaP requirements and certification standards for various aviation platforms, allowing easy installation onto existing CVR structural mountings without modifications. Additionally, Canada West Avionics has achieved TCCA CAR 561 Manufacturing Approval for its in-house-designed CVR adapter tray and associated bracketry, which allows seamless installations of the Sentry CVR.

Canada West Avionics received the STC for Part 23 aircraft in 2023. The Part 23 AML STC includes popular aircraft models including: Beechcraft 300, 1900, 1900C, 1900D, 300LW, B200CGT, B200GT, B300, B300C, Cessna 525, 525A, 525B, 525C, as well as Mitsubishi MU-2-35, MU-2-40 and MU-2-60, among others.

The Sentry and the AML STC will support adoption for the upcoming Canadian CVR mandate on a wide variety of popular airframes.

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