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Honeywell signs mechanical service centre agreement with Gama
Gama Aviation Engineering will now provide line maintenance of Honeywell TFE731 business jet engines and APUs at its Bournemouth airport facility.
The authorisation further enhances Honeywell’s capabilities to provide top-tier jet TFE731 engine maintenance services for customers in EMEA.
Read this story in our August 2024 printed issue.

Honeywell has selected UK Part 145 Gama Aviation Engineering as an authorised channel partner to expand its aviation service network in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region and to enhance service accessibility for business and general aviation operators. Gama Aviation Engineering will now provide line maintenance of Honeywell TFE731 business jet engines and auxiliary power units, or APUs, at its Bournemouth airport facility in the United Kingdom. This enhances Gama's service capabilities and enables those seeking maintenance at Bournemouth to remain in compliance with Honeywell's Maintenance Service Plan.

“Our collaboration with Gama Aviation Engineering strengthens our service network and ensures that operators have more access to authorised maintenance. This agreement underscores our commitment to providing reliable and efficient maintenance support for aircraft operators in the region,” says Anthony Florian, Honeywell president for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India.

“We are pleased to have broadened our services on the Honeywell TFE and APU platforms. This is a significant milestone that will enhance our ability to provide comprehensive services, top-tier mechanical expertise and support to our customers,” adds Paul Kinch, managing director of maintenance, repair and overhaul services at Gama Aviation Engineering.

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