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Reiser adds D3 qualification to Rega's H145 FFS
Reiser has achieved D3 flight model qualification for Swiss Air-Rescue Rega's H145 helicopter full-flight simulator at Lufthansa Aviation Training in Zurich.
Reiser has successfully qualified the D3 Flight Model for the H145 full-flight simulator, which was handed over to Swiss Air-Rescue Rega last November.
Read this story in our August 2024 printed issue.

Reiser Simulation and Training has successfully qualified the D3 Flight Model for the H145 full-flight simulator, which was handed over to aeromedical operator Swiss Air-Rescue Rega last November. Certification was granted by Federal Office of Civil Aviation, the Swiss civil aviation authority.

Rega's new full-flight simulator already featured a simulation of the H145 D2 helicopter. Now, in line with Rega's forthcoming all new fleet of H145 D3s, the simulator reflects this latest five bladed version of the helicopter to fully and timely support the transition training of all Rega pilots.

CEO Dr Johannes Hain says: “The D3 Flight Model qualification for the H145 FFS is a testament to our commitment to delivering cutting-edge training solutions. Our collaboration with Swiss Air-Rescue Rega and Lufthansa Aviation Training has been instrumental in achieving this success, and we are very excited to continue providing top-tier simulation technology to support the highest levels of pilot training.”

The D3 Flight Model qualification not only enhances the quality of training for Rega crews but also offers new opportunities for third-party operators who utilise the Lufthansa Aviation Training facilities.

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