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Sustainability is key driver for business fleet upgrades
Senior US business leaders outline the key reasons for wanting to upgrade their companies' business aircraft in an ACJ survey.

A study commissioned by Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) reveals that the primary reason US senior business executives from companies that lease or own private jets are considering upgrading their fleets within the next five years is a growing focus on sustainability and the use of sustainable fuels in newer models, with 71 per cent citing this as a reason.

At 61 per cent, the second most significant factor driving potential upgrades is an increased emphasis on operating costs, followed by the recent launch of advanced and improved models (58 per cent). In addition, 51 per cent of survey respondents expect their organisations will need larger aircraft as more executives utilise business aviation. Only 14 per cent cited the need for aircraft that have greater range as a consideration.

Among senior US business executives surveyed whose companies do not currently own or lease business jets but may consider doing so within the next five years, the primary reason cited is their organisation's increasing use of business aviation. The introduction of innovative business jet models and their enhanced appeal comes in second. Other contributing factors include a growing focus on employee health and well-being, as well as advancements in the sustainability of the business aviation sector. When asked about their company's potential choice of business jet, long-range and ultra-long-range jets were the most popular, followed by bizliners.

“The business aviation sector has experienced significant innovation with the launch of more efficient and technologically advanced aircraft, aligning with employers' heightened focus on employee well-being,” says Sean McGeough, VP commercial ACJ for North America. “Additionally, there are around 778 business aircraft in the US that are over 10 years old, and many owners may consider replacing them with newer, more efficient models such as the ACJ TwoTwenty.”

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