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NBAA collaboration welcomes Clay Lacy's managed aircraft customers
Clay Lacy will create NBAA operating memberships for its managed aircraft customers, providing eligibility for benefits such as access to the association's premier events, development programmes and discounts.
Clay Lacy encourages other NBAA-member fleet operators to support the association through this programme.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

The NBAA and Clay Lacy Aviation have launched a pilot programme that will make a host of association services accessible to the operator's managed aircraft clients, optimising the benefits of business aviation to this important, diverse industry segment.

Clay Lacy will create NBAA operating memberships for its managed aircraft customers, providing eligibility for a variety of key benefits including access to the association's premier events, networking opportunities, professional development programmes, webinars, discounts, information resources and volunteer opportunities through NBAA's various committees and professional groups.

"NBAA thanks Clay Lacy for partnering with us on this exciting initiative, and we are pleased to welcome its clients aboard for our shared mission of fostering business aviation and supporting all entrepreneurs and companies using aircraft for a business purpose," says president and CEO Ed Bolen.

"NBAA has a tremendous responsibility to the business aviation industry, and we are constantly collaborating with it," adds Clay Lacy CCO Joe Barber. "Our flight departments, professionals and aircraft owners gain from advocacy, professional development and an incredibly robust and authoritative resource hub. In the business of business aviation, NBAA plays a critical role in achieving our goals and fostering a culture of learning and continuous improvement."

The collaboration builds upon the involvement Clay Lacy representatives already have with the association, including membership on NBAA's Business Aviation Management Committee, Safety Committee, Schedulers & Dispatchers Committee and Young Professionals Council.

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