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Campaigners welcome formation of House Sustainable Aviation Caucus
The Caucus will enhance policymaker awareness and support of business aviation's many societal benefits, supporting the industry's path to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Organisations supporting the Climbing Fast. advocacy initiative applaud the forming of the Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus.

Climbing. Fast., which represents a dozen international stakeholder associations across the full value chain of business aviation, has issued the following consensus statement in response to the establishment of the US Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus:

"The organisations supporting the Climbing. Fast. advocacy initiative applaud Reps Sharice Davids (D-03-Kan) and Dusty Johnson (R-At-Large-SD) for their leadership in taking the important step to form the Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus, supporting business aviation's path to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

"Despite being one of the toughest industries to decarbonise, business aviation is pushing ahead, expanding access to sustainable aviation fuel and integrating technologies that improve the fuel efficiency of aircraft to reduce emissions. At the same time, enhanced policymaker awareness and support is key. This new Caucus provides an opportunity for additional policymaker engagement, and we look forward to working with the members of the Caucus to continue our industry's momentum."

Climbing. Fast. is a multi-media advocacy initiative that educates policymakers and opinion leaders about business aviation's many societal benefits, including the industry's essential role in supporting jobs and economic activity, connecting communities, helping businesses succeed, providing humanitarian lift and leading the way in aviation sustainability through innovation, on the ground and in the air.

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