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Waguespack appointed to The ACA international board
Ryan Waguespack will be a great asset in advising upon and directing The ACA initiatives within the North American region. The association warmly welcomes the wealth of expertise he brings to the table.
The Air Charter Association international board member Ryan Waguespeak.

The Air Charter Association (The ACA) has appointed Ryan Waguespack to its newly incepted international non-executive board, where he will represent the region of North America.

The ACA's international board members are focused on their regional geographic areas. They focus on developing new members and membership engagement, build regional authority contacts, feed regional information and member issues into the main board and work to support members in their region.

Waguespack brings with him a wealth of experience in the business aviation sector. He has previously worked for numerous charter and management operations, and is the founder and owner of General Aviation Consultants in Alabama. He joined the National Air Transportation Association in 2018 as senior vice president of aircraft management, air charter services and MROs, where he was credited for his pioneering efforts in tackling illegal charter flights, promoting the value of the air charter sector and supervising the growth of NATA's training platform. Waguespack was later promoted to the role of executive vice president where he took charge of NATA's regulatory, industry and member outreach efforts and programmes, while taking on additional responsibility for safety programme development.

The ACA chairman Kevin Ducksbury says: "It is fantastic to have someone of Ryan Waguespack's experience and industry standing joining The Air Charter Association's international board. Ryan will be a great asset in advising upon and directing our initiatives within the North American region, and we warmly welcome the wealth of expertise he brings to the table."

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