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Fontana PD accepts mission suite-installed AStar AS350-B2
The aircraft was equipped with Shotover ARS750 augmented reality system, Troll downlink equipment (including Linkbox II and Mini II) and compatible downlink infrastructure with CNC.Live video streaming.
Some of the Fontana PD team with the upgraded Astar AS350-B2.
Read this story in our April 2024 printed issue.

The Fontana Police Department has taken delivery of its newest AStar AS350-B2 following the installation of a law enforcement mission suite upgrade by CNC Technologies.

Fontana also contracted CNC Technologies for recurring service, support and training for three years, which will maintain uptime and proficiency of these sophisticated systems.

The aircraft was equipped with Shotover ARS750 augmented reality system, Troll downlink equipment (including Linkbox II and Mini II) and compatible downlink infrastructure with CNC.Live video streaming. With CNC.Live, Fontana PD is able to securely broadcast aircraft video imagery to ground based command staff with the added benefit of being compatible with neighbouring agencies in California, including Ontario PD and LASD. Fontana PD's new AStar AS350-B2 will add to its existing fleet of two Robinson R66 law enforcement aircraft.

"It has been a pleasure assisting Fontana PD in updating its newest aircraft," says CNC founding partner Ron Magocsi. "To this day, Fontana PD has had tremendous success in serving the community with the more capable aircraft and modern mission suite system."

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