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UrbanV SpA

Rome (Fiumicino) Airport

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UrbanV explores digital solutions for Rome vertiports
The aim is to develop an agnostic, modular and repeatable approach to designing, building and operating vertiports globally. Rome will be one of the first cities where AAM services will be available.
UrbanV and SITA will design, test, and refine a passenger processing and operating ecosystem to support the first flight between Fiumicino and Rome city centre.

Italy-based vertiport operator UrbanV has signed a memorandum of understanding with IT provider SITA to develop a digital-first passenger experience for UrbanV's vertiports in Rome, due to start operations in 2024.

From UrbanV's test vertiport at Rome's Fiumicino airport, both parties will design, test and refine a new passenger processing and operating ecosystem to support the first flight between Fiumicino and Rome's city centre. SITA will deploy its expertise in air transport for the emerging advanced air mobility (AAM) industry, developing new operating standards and a digital-first passenger experience. The partnership will leverage SITA's portfolio, which includes a wide range of IT solutions for airport management, network connectivity, passenger, flight and aircraft operations.

SITA and UrbanV will also closely collaborate to test and validate UrbanV's concept of operations blueprint in Rome and evaluate potential commercial synergies worldwide for a joint go-to-market in the advanced and urban air mobility segment.

UrbanV envisions vertiports being interoperable by multiple eVTOL operators and integrated within the local aviation ecosystem, such as Fiumicino airport. This is aligned with SITA's vision of vertiport systems being natural peering and aggregation points with shared components and services to facilitate data exchange, providing cost efficiency and economies of scale for all AAM operators.

UrbanV CEO Carlo Tursi says: “UrbanV and SITA share an aviation background and an innovation mindset. This will enable us to develop an agnostic, modular and repeatable approach to designing, building and operating vertiports globally. Italy will be our launch country, and Rome will be one of the first cities in the world where AAM services will be available. This partnership allows us to offer a unique value proposition to be scaled globally and to accelerate the adoption of AAM services.”

SITA president for Europe Sergio Colella adds: “We strongly believe in the development of the AAM market, getting it right from the start via vertiports that are hubs of integrated mobility. This agreement aims to shape the future travel experience at vertiports globally. Together, we will explore new standards and a digital-first passenger experience by leveraging our mutual expertise in air transport for the AAM industry. This will accelerate a safe adoption of advanced air mobility in Italy and beyond.”

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