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Membership of The ACA puts spring in VOO's step
By meeting all the necessary requirements, VOO has become part of a worldwide network of The ACA members accredited as experienced and trustworthy professionals.
VOO CEO Robert Plhak.

B2B private jet marketplace VOO has become an official member of The Air Charter Association. Membership was effective immediately, allowing VOO to participate in the annual ACA Spring Lunch on 20 April at the Guildhall in London.

The Air Charter Association, founded in 1949, is the leading worldwide trade association for companies and individuals engaged in aircraft charter. This association is a premier source of industry information, provides expert guidance, support and training, and organises unrivalled networking events. The ACA membership reaches around the globe, with more than 70 per cent being brokers and operators. Customers recognise the value and security of booking and managing their air charter through ACA accredited members such as VOO.

Each year the ACA hosts a number of events that bring its members together highlighting networking as the core of the aviation industry. Reflecting the significance of communication to aviation, becoming a member of The Air Charter Association was essential to VOO.

More than 450 delegates will attend this year’s Spring Lunch, one of the most popular networking events in the air charter industry. This event brings the industry professionals together to enjoy unparalleled networking opportunities with colleagues and build bridges between operators, brokers and industry suppliers.

CEO Robert Plhak will introduce the VOO Marketplace to hundreds of charter business professionals there. The ACA members will enjoy a networking reception followed by fine dining at the main hall and speeches from ACA's chairman and event sponsors.

“We are proud to become a member of The Air Charter Association and to join other accredited industry professionals. I’m glad we were able to meet all the membership requirements, and I’m thankful for the association’s support. The doors are now open for us to participate in the various industry events held by The ACA to continually interact and share experiences with industry associates. Right now, we are looking forward to the Spring Lunch and the unparalleled opportunity to connect with other industry colleagues in such a unique atmosphere,” says Plhak.

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