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US leads demand for Web Manuals digital documents
Following the success of its freemium package, offered to all new customers to support aviation businesses during April to August, this month Web Manuals also launched a freemium service for aviation start-ups.
Krister Genmark says that a trend towards private flying and increased drone use has led to increased demand for Web Manuals' services.

More than 300 aviation businesses worldwide now use Web Manuals to digitise their manuals and regulatory documentation, an increase of 25 per cent since the start of the year. The surge in document digitisation in 2020 is being led by the US, with over 100 companies now using Web Manuals there.

Web Manuals operations director Krister Genmark says: “A number of factors have contributed to the rising demand for document digitisation. Firstly, the trend towards business aviation, specifically charter flights as a way of safely travelling has increased this sector of our customer base, which now accounts for just over 10 per cent of our all our customers. Secondly, drone use has substantially grown during the pandemic, with the necessary regulatory information meaning efficient document management was needed. Thirdly, the demand for air freight has increased the number of cargo operators requiring support.”

Following the success of the company's freemium package which was offered to all new customers to support aviation businesses during April to August, this month Web Manuals also launched a freemium service for aviation start-ups to boost innovation as the industry emerges from the COVID-19 crisis.

Genmark continues: “Our industry needs to support each other in order to strengthen and grow post-COVID. We are encouraged that many of our freemium customers are now enjoying the long-term benefits of digitisation, and we are keen to aid new businesses starting out in aviation. With border restrictions and regional regulations constantly changing, we expect the role of digitisation to remain important as aviation businesses strive to stay compliant at all times whilst rebuilding.”

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