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Dornier 328 conversion demand grows
Mikado Capital chairman Jon Thor Hjaltason took delivery at EBACE of a 14 seat Dornier 328 outfitted with a luxury interior. The 328, for which Mikado has a buyer, had flown to Geneva to be exhibited on the static display. It features long range fuel tanks that give it a 2,000 nm range.

Mikado Capital chairman Jon Thor Hjaltason took delivery at EBACE of a 14 seat Dornier 328 outfitted with a luxury interior. The 328, for which Mikado has a buyer, had flown to Geneva to be exhibited on the static display. It features long range fuel tanks that give it a 2,000 nm range.

The owners of Mikado Capital also own Reykjavik-based charter operator IceJet which has put a 14-seat and a 19-seat 328 into service. Both aircraft were modified by 328 Support Services (SSG), the German subsidiary of the U.K.’s Corporate Jet Services, which confirms it is readying two further 328s for Mikado.

“We are getting an increasing number of requests for the 328 jet in executive/vip role especially when fitted with long range tanks,” said 328 SSG’s new ceo Dave Jackson. “The aircraft is coming into its own for corporate aviation use. There is really nothing else in its category that offers such a generous cabin, rugged characteristics and short takeoff and landing performance.”

He adds: “We are currently responding to requests for interior conversions from a number of

new customers involving up to 10 further aircraft.”

SSG plans to increase the possible cabin layouts to six. It recently acquired a low-time 328 which was previously flying with Gandalf Airlines in Italy.

The aircraft was placed with a U.K. client and is being given a new interior layout. “The addition of long range tanks will enable the aircraft to fly direct as far as Russia or into the Middle East from most European capitals,” says Jackson.

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