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Helisureste acquires Bell 412s for shuttle service
Helisureste has acquired two brand-new Bell 412EP helicopters. The aircraft, which will be operated by the company’s airline division, will fly between Ceuta, Malaga and Malta. The new additions bring Helisureste’s fleet of Bell 412s to 13 helicopters. The company also operates Bell 205, JetRanger, LongRanger, Twin Ranger, 212, 407, Kamov Ka-32 and Agusta A109 helicopters. In addition to these, it operates a number of fixed-wing aircraft, including Citations, King Airs and a Partenavia P68.

Helisureste has acquired two brand-new Bell 412EP helicopters. The aircraft, which will be operated by the company’s airline division, will fly between Ceuta, Malaga and Malta. The new additions bring Helisureste’s fleet of Bell 412s to 13 helicopters. The company also operates Bell 205, JetRanger, LongRanger, Twin Ranger, 212, 407, Kamov Ka-32 and Agusta A109 helicopters. In addition to these, it operates a number of fixed-wing aircraft, including Citations, King Airs and a Partenavia P68.