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Wendling takes on management of Bell’s European business
Since joining Bell in 2015, Robin Wendling has successfully led regional sales in Western Europe, executing single helicopter and fleet acquisitions. Now he will support Bell’s growth in the region.
Robin Wendling, Bell managing director for commercial business in Europe.

Bell Textron has appointed Robin Wendling as European managing director, responsible for leading all commercial business sales efforts in the region.

Since joining Bell in 2015, Wendling has successfully led regional sales in Western Europe, executing single helicopter and fleet acquisitions. During this time, he played a critical role in securing the first ever Bell 525 fleet deal with Norwegian Energy company, Equinor, for 10 aircraft. The agreement marked the first sale for this new generation of aircraft, paving the way for a future of success on energy, search and rescue missions, and governmental missions.

Wendling drove significant growth of the Bell 429 footprint in Western Europe, positioning the platform as the aircraft of choice for the region’s most demanding missions, including mountain rescue, HEMS and law enforcement. He also worked the first sales and deliveries of Bell’s latest model, the Bell 505, supporting its successful entry into the European market as it carries on the Bell 206 Jet Ranger legacy.

Wendling says: “I’m thrilled to be stepping in to this new role and support Bell’s growth in the region. With great successes this year, including the first-ever Bell 525 deal for 10 aircraft to Equinor, Subaru Bell 412EPX sale to Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior and continued Bell 505 sales, I’m excited for Bell’s future and honoured to lead this strong team in providing exceptional aircraft to European operators.”

Wendling will attend European Rotors in his new role, in Amsterdam from 5-7 November.