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Jet Aviation expands SAF supply across US FBO network
Eight of its US FBOs will be offering on-site SAF once Dallas, Houston, Palm Beach, Bedford and Teterboro come on board.
Whether at one of its FBOs, on a charter flight or as a managed aircraft, Jet Aviation is able to offer solutions for SAF on-site, or via Book & Claim anywhere in the region.

Jet Aviation has signed an agreement with World Fuel Services to offer sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on-site in Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; Palm Beach, Florida; Bedford, Massachusetts; and Teterboro, New Jersey. This brings the total number of Jet Aviation FBOs in the US currently offering on-site SAF to eight.

SAF will be available from 1 January, 2025 in these five new locations and is in addition to existing supply at Van Nuys, California; Bozeman, Montana; and Scottsdale, Arizona. The company also intends to provide on-site SAF at its new FBO in Miami-Opa Locka, Florida once the site is operational.

“We are incredibly proud of this latest expansion of our SAF network in the US,” says Richard Layson, vice president FBO operations Americas. “The US is one of the most dynamic business aviation markets in the world, and we are committed to continuing to grow our offering in line with the requirements of our customers. Whether at one of our FBOs, on a charter flight or as a managed aircraft, we are able to offer solutions for SAF on-site, or via Book & Claim anywhere in the region.”

SAF is a fully compliant, drop-in Jet A/A-1 fuel with the same characteristics and specifications as conventional jet fuel. In 2019, Jet Aviation was the first supplier to offer SAF via a blended fuel option at Van Nuys airport. It was also the first company to bring SAF to Switzerland for the World Economic Forum 2020. In 2021 on-site SAF was introduced in Jet Aviation Amsterdam, followed by Singapore in 2022, and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Bozeman and Scottsdale in 2023.

“Sustainable Aviation Fuel is an important part of our efforts towards supporting the business aviation industry’s commitment to a more sustainable future,” says president Jeremie Caillet. “We are delighted to be able to expand our network of SAF availability thanks to ongoing partnerships across our global network and as part of our commitment to providing our customers with more sustainable choices. Sustainable aviation requires a global effort, and we all have a role to play as we continue to work together.”