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Brazil authorises EHang for experimental EH216-S flights
As Brazil and China strengthen their cooperation on civil aviation airworthiness, EHang has obtained its experimental flight authorisation certificate from ANAC for the EH216-S pilotless eVTOL.
ANAC and CAAC officials sign the bilateral civil aviation agreements.

EHang has obtained an Experimental Flight Authorisation Certificate (CAVE) from Brazil's civil aviation authority Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil (ANAC) for its EH216-S pilotless eVTOL aircraft system. The company plans to conduct test and trial flights in Brazil to demonstrate the aircraft's intelligent flight technology and cluster management system.

ANAC granted the CAVE following an exhaustive and diligent process comprising a thorough technical documentation review and aircraft and ground control station inspection. Under ANAC's CAVE framework, EHang and its local partner and operator Gohobby will conduct comprehensive EH216-S test and trial flight campaigns in Brazil in close collaboration with ANAC and Brazil's airspace control department. These initiatives aim to advance research and development of Concepts of Operations and unmanned aircraft traffic management systems and services, ensuring safe and efficient UAM deployments across Brazil.

In reaffirming its strong commitment to promoting and supporting international cooperation and development of advanced air mobility worldwide, EHang is in close collaboration with various civil aviation authorities around the world. Together, the company and these civil aviation authorities aim to progress with airworthiness certification of EH216-S across other countries, sharing the technology and expertise for safe pilotless operations.

EHang has already obtained the first type certificate, production certificate and standard certificate of airworthiness for its EH216-S in the global eVTOL industry. These were granted by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), affirming that the type design, production procedures and quality management of the EH216-S align with relevant regulations with official acknowledgement from the CAAC for commercial operations.

Brazil and China have signed cooperation agreements to strengthen the partnership between the two countries in civil aviation, advancing safety, efficiency and sustainability in airworthiness certification processes. In August 2024, CAAC and ANAC subscribed a revised version of airworthiness implementation procedures for the mutual validation of aircraft, facilitating the approval process for civil aviation products as well as its import and export between China and Brazil. Both parties also agreed upon a cooperation roadmap to promote and deepen cooperation in airworthiness certification, aiming to deepen exchanges and cooperation in new technology aircraft certification, airworthiness certification legislation and airworthiness certification training.

As for the certification of the EH216-S in Brazil, ANAC and CAAC are currently in discussion to understand the regulatory model adopted and applicable regulatory frameworks for the operation of this new aircraft system in Brazil; EHang has maintained close communication with both associations. In November 2023, a delegation from ANAC, joined by CAAC, visited EHang's facilities in Guangzhou, China for a first-hand look at the company and its UAM technology platform. During the visit, EHang founder, chairman and CEO Huazhi Hu presented the aircraft, its type certificate and an unparalleled operational experience to the delegation, while discussing how EHang could support ANAC's vision and plans for developing advanced air mobility in Brazil.

Victoria Xiang, COO of EHang Europe and Latin America, says: “We are delighted to have obtained the Experimental Flight Authorisation Certificate from Brazil's Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil and look forward to conducting the first EH216-S flight in the country in the near future. EHang will continue to work closely with ANAC, as well as other civil aviation authorities around the world, to develop and deploy safe UAM around EHang's certified EH216-S passenger-carrying pilotless eVTOL with accessibility for all.”

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