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Private Jet App prepares to spread its wings and modernise ops
The Private Jet App has been trialling its technology with partners Avinode and Leon. CEO Simon Freund is pleased with the outcomes, and is now looking to roll the platform out more widely.
Bluelink CEO Fredrik Engmer, Leon Software CEO Paweł Kruk and The Private Jet App CEO Simon Freund.

The Private Jet App is ready to offer its product to a broader audience following a successful testing phase with Avinode and Leon Software.

The company provides private jet brokers and operators with a custom passenger application that helps modernise their operations and client communication. “Our goal is to empower these operators and brokers to compete with industry giants like NetJets and VistaJet, enabling them to offer the same high-quality client experience through our technology,” reveals CEO Simon Freund.

“We’ve spent the past two years working closely with select launch customers to refine and optimise our product. This has involved significant back-end improvements and layering the right elements to ensure our application is both robust and user-friendly. Avinode and Leon have been fantastic partners throughout this process, and now that our product is fully developed, we’re excited to offer it more widely.”

One of the key benefits of the app is the opportunity for growth. By modernising operations and streamlining client communication, the technology allows operators and brokers to handle more business without requiring a significant increase in resources. “One of our launch customers, Bluelink, has seen a significant improvement in its response times and overall client satisfaction, which has directly contributed to its business growth,” Freund continues. “As we continue to grow, our focus is on attending industry events like ACE24 and NBAA-BACE to build awareness and connect with more potential customers. We see substantial gaps in the market and are eager to help more operators and brokers realise their potential, by modernising their operations and driving growth.”

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