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Zela Jet becomes launch customer for Luxury Mentor
Zela Jet is poised to extend its product offerings through online channels, tapping into global markets via e-commerce. It believes that establishing a strong online presence is essential for fostering business growth.

Journey Mentor, a travel-tech SaaS company, has been awarded a three year contract by Greece and Cyprus-based Zela Jet for the integration of its e-commerce operator solution Luxury Mentor. Zela Jet will thus be able to further upgrade its portfolio of high-end home-to-destination travel services such as private jet travel, airport transfers, personalised concierge services, hotel bookings and cruises. The integration will also include an automated inventory control system, revenue management system and loyalty system.

Journey Mentor also offers an e-commerce solution to business jet operators including the opportunity to sell charters and seat-only jet capacity as well as commercialising positioning flights. This facilitates substantial additional revenue streams and the opportunity to improve the sustainability credentials of their fleet through the effective use of excess business jet or helicopter capacity.

The global business jet market has witnessed massive growth over the past few years, the increase of which has further accelerated since the end of the pandemic. According to data from Statista, this market was worth over $28.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach just under $37 billion by 2028.

Journey Mentor provides travel experts with a suite of software solutions utilising the latest technology, featuring unique functionality like parallel search, swaps, revenue management and loyalty solutions. The solutions enable its clients to complete the whole booking process within one transaction. Additionally, they guarantee the best possible deal as they use AI technology to continue to look for a better deal even after the booking has been completed.

An increasing number of airlines, travel management companies, general sales agents and cargo operators are discovering that they can make a major, simple step to be part of the NDC and one-order environment.

President and CEO Paul Sies explains: “We are very enthusiastic to work with a progressive and leading organisation such as Zela Jet. In the realm of luxury travel and business aviation, embracing an e-commerce solution is not just a choice, but a strategic necessity. Zela Jet will be the first in the world to offer jet and helicopter clients a totally integrated e-commerce solution that facilitates the total customer journey. It enables companies like Zela to effortlessly reach customers worldwide, providing seamless and personalised experiences that redefine luxury in the digital age.”

Andreas Christodoulides, chairman of Zela Jet, adds: “The team at Journey Mentor understands the challenges currently affecting the travel industry as well as the implications for companies like ours. Through our cooperation we are poised to extend our product offerings to customers through online channels. This partnership not only enables us to tap into global markets via e-commerce, but also marks a significant milestone for our organisation. Unlike before, we now possess the capability to provide a holistic solution to our customers. As a new era of travellers emerges, establishing a strong online presence is essential for fostering the growth of our business.”

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