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Amalfi Jets app reaches 2,000 followers
Reaching 2,000 followers on the app is a testament to the exceptional service and convenience that Amalfi Jets provides according to founder and CEO Kolin Jones.
The app cuts out unnecessary steps in the charter process by giving clients an all-in-one place to manage their accounts, book charters/empty legs, and converse directly with an Amalfi representative.

LA-based Amalfi Jets reports that its app has hit an impressive milestone of 2,000 followers.

Founder and CEO Kolin Jones says: “Reaching 2,000 followers on our app is a testament to the exceptional service and convenience that Amalfi Jets provides. Our team has worked tirelessly to create an app that meets the needs of our discerning clientele, and this milestone reflects the trust and satisfaction our users have in our services.

“The Amalfi Jets app is designed to simplify the private jet booking process, offering instant quotes, real-time availability and personalised travel options. We are dedicated to continually enhancing the user experience and expanding our reach. This achievement is just the beginning, and we are excited about the future.”

Launched in March this year, the app offers a range of features including instant pricing, aircraft options and the ability to book flights with ease. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features have made it a favourite among travellers seeking luxury and convenience. The growth in followers indicates a strong demand for innovative solutions in the private aviation sector, and Amalfi Jets is poised to meet and exceed these expectations.

The app incorporates advanced technology to ensure that every booking is secure and every flight detail is meticulously managed. Users can browse a wide variety of aircraft, receive competitive quotes and finalise their travel plans with just a few taps on their devices.

“Our app is more than just a booking tool; it's a gateway to an unparalleled travel experience,” adds Jones. “We're continuously listening to feedback from our users and implementing features that enhance their journey. This milestone is a direct result of our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of innovation in the private jet industry.”

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