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AviationManuals forges links with learning and data platforms
Integration from AviationManuals with Advanced Aircrew Academy's eLearning curriculums and with the Airplane Manager flight scheduling platform will improve training requirements and flight ops safety.

As flight operators seek ways to optimise their daily activities and improve productivity, AviationManuals is integrating its International Operations Procedures Manuals (IOPM) content directly into Advanced Aircrew Academy's eLearning curriculums, and is partnering with flight scheduling and management software platform Airplane Manager to eliminate the need to re-input flight planning information during the risk assessment process.

AviationManuals will provide Advanced Aircrew Academy with periodic updates via its Sky Briefs and annually reissued, fully updated IOPMs. In a constantly changing international environment, operators will be better able to maintain a high level of confidence during both training and actual flight operations. This is particularly valuable for operators that use both companies' services since their training and procedures manuals will be closely aligned.

“There are incredible synergies between Advanced Aircrew Academy's training standards and the high quality content we provide that will benefit the hundreds of flight departments and air carriers that rely on their eLearning modules,” says Clement Meersseman, VP, strategic partnerships, AviationManuals.
AviationManuals looks forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with Advanced Aircrew Academy as it continues to provide quality, personalised online training to thousands of pilots, mechanics/engineers, cabin attendants and schedulers/dispatchers. Their shared objective is to continuously demonstrate their commitment to maximising safety, improving standards and staying ahead of regulatory requirements.

“Our partnership with AviationManuals streamlines providing operator specific training content to bridge the gap between Letter of Authorisation or Ops Spec training requirements and company specific procedures outlined in the AviationManuals IOPM. Receiving updates directly from AviationManuals keeps the training content up-to-date and relevant,” says chief safety officer Dan Boedigheimer PhD.

The collaboration of the AviationManuals ARC platform with Airplane Manager’s intuitive flight scheduling and management software will allow for seamless integration, providing automatic flow of flight data. Both entities predict that the anticipated results will go far beyond procedural and significantly impact overall industry behaviour regarding safety.

“Flight departments are looking for a seamless flow between all of their aviation products, SMS software included. By integrating ARC risk scores right into the AirplaneManager it not only avoids double data entry, but enables dispatchers to stay in the loop in real time using our integrated user interface and avoid potential scheduling issues,” says Terry Cooper, president of Airplane Manager.

“We believe in SMS but we also believe that it should easy. So, anytime the preflight planning workload can be safely reduced without compromising valuable data, it enhances productivity, improves input accuracy and thus of course improves safety,” adds Meersseman.

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