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Textron eAviation joins NBAA's AAM roundtable
Textron eAviation is pursuing Textron's long-term strategy to offer a family of sustainable aircraft for urban air mobility, general aviation, cargo and special mission roles. It is a good fit for the NBAA's roundtable for AAM.

The NBAA is welcoming Textron eAviation, part of Textron, as the latest OEM to join its Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Roundtable.

Established in 2021, the NBAA AAM Roundtable focuses on maintaining the US' position as a global leader in aviation and aerospace, as well as harnessing the full safety, economic, environmental and national security potential of AAM.

Textron eAviation is pursuing Textron's long-term strategy to offer a family of sustainable aircraft for urban air mobility, general aviation, cargo and special mission roles. The team is leveraging the acquired expertise of Pipistrel and Amazilia Aerospace and the industry-leading product design, certification, manufacturing, and aftermarket solutions across Textron's businesses to develop AAM vehicles and advance new propulsion technologies, including hydrogen and electric power.

“In just a few years, NBAA's AAM Roundtable has proven to be a powerful voice in the development and advancement of these exciting and sustainable technologies,” says NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen. “We are pleased that Textron eAviation has joined in this effort to advance the safety-driven integration of AAM vehicles and supporting infrastructure into our National Airspace System.”

“We are honoured to join NBAA's Advanced Air Mobility Roundtable and applaud their steadfast advocacy in shaping policies that foster innovation and prioritise safety in aviation,” adds Kriya Shortt, president and CEO of Textron eAviation. “Our collaboration with NBAA and other industry leaders is crucial as we collectively work to develop transformative and sustainable transportation solutions that meet the evolving demands of global mobility.”

The NBAA AAM Roundtable helped achieve two key legislative victories on Capitol Hill in 2022. The Advanced Air Mobility Coordination and Leadership Act (S.516) established an interagency working group to review and examine factors that will allow the maturation of the AAM ecosystem within the US and develop an AAM national strategy.

The roundtable also supported the passage of the Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernisation Act (AAIM Act) that established US Department of Transportation (DOT) grants to assist state, local and tribal governments and other entities in planning infrastructure to support AAM operations.

Most recently, the AAM Roundtable worked with the bipartisan congressional AAM Caucus and leading authorisers in Congress to advance pro-AAM policies in legislation to reauthorise funding for the FAA. These priorities are reflected in the FAA reauthorisation bill, which passed earlier this year.

Founding members of the NBAA AAM Roundtable include Archer, BETA Technologies, Hillwood Aviation, Joby Aviation, Lilium, Overair, Supernal and Wisk.

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