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Rodden raring to go as incoming OHSUK MD
The appointment of Andy Rodden as MD comes as OHSUK can also confirm securing a multi-year contract to support energy company Apache, flying H175s from Aberdeen to Beryl and Forties offshore oil fields.
Andy Rodden has 15 years of experience in the energy sector.
Read this story in our September 2024 printed issue.

Offshore Helicopter Services UK (OHSUK), an Aberdeen-based rotary operator and part of the South African Ultimate Aviation Group, has appointed Andy Rodden as its new managing director.

Currently part of the senior leadership team at ETZ Ltd Offshore Renewables, he brings with him a wealth of experience, including 15 years running projects across the energy sector, and will formally take up his new role in September. Interim managing director Martin Stubbs will join the OHSUK board and will return to his role as director of operations.

As a director of ETZ, Rodden played an instrumental role in delivering, in partnership with Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, the Floating Wind Innovation Centre. He also led the creation of a dedicated Energy Transition Skills Hub, that will quadruple the existing training facilities at the NESCol campus in Altens Industrial Estate. Both projects represent more than GBP15 million of investment in Aberdeen.

He says: “OHSUK has a fantastic track record across the sector in delivering for its clients, and I look forward to working alongside the team, existing and future customers as we seek to grow the business and expand our market share. It is a little over a year since Ultimate Aviation acquired OHSUK, and it is already clear to see the positive impact of the hard work undertaken by the team to transform the business. I'm hugely motivated to have the opportunity to progress my career and lead this dynamic business at the beginning of an exciting new chapter. I'm proud of my achievements at ETZ Ltd and know the first-class team there will continue to successfully accelerate the repositioning of the north of Scotland as an internationally new and green energy cluster.”

The appointment comes as OHSUK can also confirm securing a multi-year contract to support energy company Apache, flying H175s from Aberdeen to Beryl and Forties offshore oil fields.

Shaun Roseveare, Ultimate Aviation Group CEO, comments: “Andy brings with him considerable leadership qualities and the experience that can help drive OHSUK forward. We have had a number of good contract wins recently, including the Apache deal, demonstrating confidence in our operations and the outstanding customer service our team delivers each day. The business is working hard and is in a good position to have a sustainable future and the ability to deliver at all times to the highest level.

“Everyone across our sector is facing challenging market conditions, but our reputation for delivering high quality, reliable and safe service delivery has shone through. I look forward to working with Andy as we continue to cement and expand OHSUK’s position in the market. I’d also like to thank Martin for stepping up during the recruitment process and welcome him onto the board.”