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Archer gains tax breaks for facility expansion
The CAEATFA sales and use tax exclusion is expected to result in approximately $10 million in benefit to Archer over the next few years.
Archer is to be granted $10m in benefits for its Californian electric powertrain facility.

Archer Aviation has received approval from California's Alternative Energy And Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) for its $117 million project covering the planned expansion of its advanced manufacturing facilities in the State of California, including the ramp of its advanced electric powertrain facility. The CAEATFA sales and use tax exclusion is expected to result in approximately $10 million in benefit to Archer over the next few years.

In May of this year, Archer completed installation of the high-volume battery pack manufacturing line at its facility in San Jose, California, which is designed for high-volume production from day one, with the capability of producing up to 15,000 proprietary battery packs per year at full capacity. This facility will produce the battery packs needed to support the ramp up of Archer's electric aircraft production planned for 2025 and beyond.

“We are proud to receive this award from CAEATFA and represent the cutting-edge of transportation innovation that the State of California is backing,” says founder and CEO Adam Goldstein. “As a leader in the electrification of aviation, we are working hard to help California meet its most ambitious climate goals.”

“America's global competitiveness is strongest when we embrace innovation into our daily lives,” says Congressman Eric Swalwell. “I applaud Archer's leadership to draw more cutting-edge businesses to California while creating more jobs for American workers. Archer's advanced electric powertrain solutions will help power the future of sustainable aviation. I look forward to seeing the next groundbreaking discoveries from it here in our state.”

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