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Wales Air Ambulance passes 50,000 missions
WAA has grown from a one-helicopter operation based at Swansea airport to what is now the largest air ambulance operation in the UK, with four Airbus H145 helicopters and a fleet of rapid response vehicles.
One of the WAA H145 air ambulance helicopters.

Wales Air Ambulance has reached its 50,000th mission, 23 years after the charity was formed. The milestone highlights the support that the charity has received over the years from the people of Wales, and the charity is incredibly grateful to the public.

Wales Air Ambulance has grown from a one-helicopter operation based at Swansea airport to what is now the largest air ambulance operation in the UK, with four Airbus H145 helicopters and a fleet of rapid response vehicles. The air and road operations are funded entirely by public donations and the charity needs to raise £11.2 million ($14.5m)every year to keep the helicopters flying and its rapid response vehicles on the road.

CEO Dr Sue Barnes says: “We mark this milestone with huge gratitude; we are truly humbled. This would not have been possible without the continued support and dedication of our supporters, volunteers, employees, medics, pilots and engineers past and present.

“Behind each mission there are human stories. On 50,000 occasions, the medics on board our vehicles have been tasked to help someone in need. When past patients and their families visit us, they often bring their family and friends, sometimes their young children. At that point you realise that the impact of our charity is far greater than just the patient themselves. We have also impacted the lives of their family and friends who, without our service, may never have been reunited with their loved ones.

“We are also immensely grateful to those individuals and organisations we work alongside in the chain of emergency care. This includes the Welsh Ambulance Service and Welsh health boards, as well as fellow emergency services across the country.”

To mark the mission milestone, Wales Air Ambulance is asking for support for its 50,000 missions appeal, enabling the charity to be there for even more people in their time of need. £50 ($65) can help fund crucial training enabling the pilots to launch within five minutes of a call during the day, £30 ($39) can contribute to lifesaving medical kit and £10 ($13) can help to fund essential fuel for both the aircraft and rapid response vehicles.

Barnes continues: “Our vital service in Wales needs to raise £11.2 million every year to keep our helicopters in the air and our rapid response vehicles on the road. This would not be possible without the dedicated people of Wales. Our frontline crews work tirelessly around the clock to help save lives and be there for the people of Wales when they need us most. We are all proud to be part of an incredible service.

“We are appealing to our supporters to continue to help us, by donating to our 50,000 missions appeal. Every penny matters and will ensure that we can attend the critically ill or injured patients in the future.”