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Vertical has its DOA scope expanded by UK CAA
The scope extension enables Vertical's own engineers to sign off compliance of an increasing number of technical areas which thus streamlines the certification process.
This shows further confidence from the CAA that Vertical has the in-house capability to obtain certification for its VX4 eVTOL aircraft.

Vertical Aerospace has had the scope of its Design Organisation Approval (DOA) expanded by the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

The scope extension enables Vertical's own engineers to sign off compliance of an increasing number of technical areas, including further areas related to the flight control, avionics and electrical systems. Expanding Vertical's capacity to carry out certification activities streamlines the certification process.

This shows further confidence from the CAA that Vertical has the in-house capability to obtain certification for its VX4 eVTOL aircraft to the highest aviation safety standards, with safety targets the same as those to which large commercial airliners adhere.

Vertical will now work with the CAA to expand its DOA privileges. This will enable the regulator to rely on Vertical's approval for certain activities, including those required for a permit to fly for piloted flight tests on the VX4 programme. Vertical will soon complete the assembly of its most advanced full-scale VX4 prototype and will then begin its piloted flight test programme at its flight test centre at Cotswold airport.

In March 2023, Vertical became the first eVTOL developer to be granted a DOA by the CAA, which authorises it to conduct design activities and issue design approvals within the DOA's scope of approval; this news broadens that scope. A DOA is required to hold a type certificate, a prerequisite for an aircraft to enter into commercial service.

At the same time, EASA and the CAA have agreed how they will collaborate on the certification of Vertical's VX4, under the technical implementation procedures agreed as part of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union. While both regulators have been working closely already, this sets the foundations for their certification experts to apply common standards and work together towards concurrent certification and validation of the VX4 by both authorities.

In 2023, the CAA announced its intention to adopt EASA's Means of Compliance to SC-VTOL, the standards against which European and UK manufacturers design eVTOLs.

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