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SkyDrive to explore eVTOL opportunities in Asia
SkyDrive is looking at how to embed eVTOL operations into districts of Thailand and Japan by working with local transportation and real estate partners.
Shinji Suyama, managing director of Saha Tokyu, with SkyDrive CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa and Vichai Kulsomphob, chairman of the SPI executive board.

SkyDrive is to explore the use of its three-seat SD-05 eVTOL in Thailand with Saha Pathana Inter-Holding (SPI), part of the Saha Group, and Saha Tokyu Corp. Saha Group develops industrial estates, invests in new businesses and operates private airfields for small aircraft. Saha Tokyu is a joint venture between urban development and transportation services conglomerate Tokyu Group in Japan and the Saha Group.

In Thailand, economic growth is being promoted by the expansion of Japanese companies into industrial estates. However, traffic congestion and environmental pollution from automobiles have become serious social issues so the use of diverse transportation methods is expected to help alleviate these problems.

SkyDrive, SPI and Saha Tokyu will study use cases using SkyDrive's eVTOL in Sri Racha, Pattaya and Phuket in Thailand, as well as opportunities in Japan through air taxi business in Tokyu Group's urban development.

SkyDrive CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa says: “While Thailand is experiencing remarkable economic growth, traffic congestion and environmental pollution caused by automobiles are serious social problems. We believe that our compact and zero-emission eVTOL aircraft will contribute to solving the issues. We look forward to working with both companies to explore new business opportunities in Thailand.”

Vichai Kulsomphob, CEO and chairman of the executive board, adds: “SPI, as an industrial park developer, emphasises the development of technology to reduce pollution and aim for long-term sustainability. In the past, Japanese companies expanded their production bases in various industrial estates across Thailand, which has led to growth in the transportation sector and significant fuel consumption. At the same time, it has caused environmental concerns in transportation and logistics. Therefore, SPI is exploring alternative travel modes that will be safer, more convenient and faster while significantly reducing the environmental footprint. We see SkyDrive's zero-emission eVTOL aircraft's potential to achieve environmental reduction and expansion in Thailand and this has led to the collaboration.”

Shinji Suyama, managing director of Saha Tokyu, says: “We at Saha Tokyu Corporation mark our 10th anniversary this year, and we have been working to create a living environment in Sriracha, Thailand where Japanese companies, mainly in the manufacturing industry, are expanding. We are honoured to be able to start discussions with Saha Group and SkyDrive to consider business in Thailand. We believe that we can contribute to the local community and economy of Thailand by supporting the expansion of cutting-edge companies into Thailand and providing real estate services to those who are involved in new industries.”

SkyDrive will also conduct a feasibility study for eVTOL deployment in the Kyushu region of Japan with the Kyushu Railway Company. This will cover business plans and geographical analyses, with the aim of launching routes utilising the railroad stations, commercial facilities and other locations.

JR Kyushu is expanding various travel and lifestyle businesses in railway station shopping malls, distribution, food services, tourism and leisure, business services, construction and other areas in Kyushu.

The two companies believe that introducing the three-seat SkyDrive SD-05 eVTOL in Kyushu will further attract visitors to tourist destinations, contribute to regional development and enable advanced and attractive urban development.

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