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EBAA pledges its support to Dassault in EU battle
EBAA, in collaboration with other associations, has actively campaigned against the exclusion of business aviation from the Taxonomy Delegated Act. Despite extensive efforts, the Act was adopted with this exclusion.

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is to provide legal assistance to intervene, in support of Dassault Aviation's legal challenge against the European Commission's Delegated Act on EU Taxonomy. This action, lodged with the General Court of the European Union on 4 July 2024, highlights EBAA's dedication to defending the interests of the business aviation sector against measures that hinder its companies' ability to invest in sustainability and innovation.

The EU Taxonomy is a classification system designed to identify environmentally sustainable economic activities, aiding companies and investors in making informed decisions about sustainable investments and green financing. However, the current Delegated Act explicitly excludes business aviation while including commercial aviation, a decision EBAA views as unprecedented and discriminatory.

This exclusion jeopardises the competitiveness of European business aircraft manufacturers, operators and the entire value chain within this strategic ecosystem. Moreover, excluding the sector from the EU Taxonomy framework may discourage financial institutions from financing the manufacturing and purchase of more efficient and sustainable aircraft, thereby undermining the common global goal of decarbonising aviation. EBAA considers this measure unjust, disregarding the positive contributions of business aviation to innovation and sustainability in the aviation industry.

“The exclusion of business aviation from the EU Taxonomy framework is a significant oversight that fails to recognise the sector's substantial contributions to sustainability and technological advancement,” says Holger Krahmer, secretary general of EBAA. “Furthermore, with reference to the EU Treaties, the EU Commission does not have the right to subject individual sectors to discrimination in a legal act without further justification. The Commission has carried out an arbitrary political act that must be urgently corrected.”

EBAA, in collaboration with other associations, has actively campaigned against the exclusion of business aviation from the Taxonomy Delegated Act. Despite extensive efforts, including consultations and public participation, the Act was adopted with this exclusion. In response, Dassault Aviation initiated an action for annulment, arguing, among other pleas, that the exclusion breaches the principle of equality. On 4 July, EBAA's legal team lodged an intervention to support Dassault Aviation's appeal. This legal step demonstrates EBAA's commitment to safeguarding the competitiveness and future of European business aircraft manufacturers, operators and the entire value chain within this vital industry.

By supporting this legal action, EBAA reinforces its dedication to ensuring fair treatment for the business aviation sector and emphasises its proactive role in advocating for the industry's sustainability and innovation contributions.

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