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Duncan hires Haugen to manage rapid response teams
MRO manager Russ Haugen says his role is made easier because of the expertise and dedication of the MRO teams, which handle an average of 20 AOG requests and service 10-12 aircraft each week.
Russ Haugen is ready for action.

Duncan Aviation has appointed long-time team member Russ Haugen as the manager of the company's MRO airframe RRTs (rapid response teams). These teams are based out of Duncan Aviation's MRO facilities in Battle Creek, Michigan; Lincoln, Nebraska; and Provo, Utah; and specialise in mobile response for airframe and engine AOG and inspection services.

Since joining Duncan Aviation in 1992, Haugen has demonstrated leadership and technical expertise across various production shops in Lincoln, including avionics install and engine line, advancing to a team leader position. In 2007, he transitioned to customer service as a project manager, team leader and assistant manager. By 2018, Haugen moved to Provo to assume the position of customer service manager.

“Russ's proven leadership in other areas will make him a success as the MRO RRT manager,” says Doug Alleman, vice president of engine operations. “His talent for decisive action and his focus on customer service will instill continuity across our rapid response network.”

For more than three decades, Duncan Aviation has been a trusted name in the aviation industry, providing in-the-field, on-location services through its satellite locations since 1985. In 2000, the company strengthened its commitment to AOG events with the launch of its engine rapid response teams.

In 2019, the AOG RRT network experienced another transformation and expansion. Due to increased customer demand for more mobile airframe AOG and inspection services, three more rapid response teams were developed, this time specialising in airframe services. These teams, based at the company's MRO facilities, consist of skilled airframe technicians and eight fully stocked service vehicles ready for immediate deployment.

Haugen says his role is made easier because of the expertise and dedication of the MRO teams, which handle an average of 20 AOG requests and service 10-12 aircraft each week. “My job will be to ensure they continue to have the right resources and tools available to respond to any airframe or engine event,” he says. “I will also continue to build upon the great foundation and grow our capabilities to meet customer needs in the future.”

In this new role, Haugen collaborates closely with Shane Heier, manager of Duncan Aviation's engine AOG RRT. Together, they coordinate efforts to meet all customer AOG needs, ensuring seamless communications and service across all disciplines.

“The future of Duncan Aviation's rapid response teams will be one of unity among disciplines,” says Heier. “It doesn't matter what our customers' needs are. When we get the call, we will respond accordingly.”

Although the primary focus of these teams is on airframe and engine work, if a customer has avionics needs, they will coordinate with the nearest Duncan Aviation satellite shop for avionics assistance and help the customer get the issue fixed.

Looking ahead, Duncan Aviation plans to expand its in-the-field airframe-qualified technicians at RRT launch locations nationwide. “We are actively recruiting,” says Haugen. “If you know of someone who is interested in a fast-paced, on-call and on-the-road career, we want to talk to them.”

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