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CHC aces the 2023 ANAC Sustentar programme
Recognised for its ClearSkies flight planning software, that maps out the most fuel-efficient routes for missions. Its technology is proven to reduce CO2 emissions by at least five per cent during CHC customers' flights.

CHC has achieved the highest score among air taxi participants by ANAC, the Brazilian national civil aviation authority, in its 2023 Sustentar programme.

CHC's vision is to be a global leader in offshore aviation by delivering safe, reliable and sustainable services. This award acknowledges the significant strides it is making towards realising its ambitions.

As a proud pioneer in the industry, CHC has developed ClearSkies, its proprietary flight planning software, to map out the most fuel-efficient routes for its missions. Its technology is proven to reduce CO2 emissions by at least five per cent during CHC customers' flights.

CHC is working in partnership with its customers in Brazil to implement ClearSkies and support their journey towards a more sustainable future. It is definitely headed in the right direction, but there is still much more to do. Its focus is on the roll-out of its sustainable practices across all of its operations globally and, through collaboration with its industry colleagues, raising the benchmark for sustainable best practice across the sector.

Gilson Caputo Jr, operations director for CHC Latin America, says: “Thank you to the Agencia Nacional de Aviacao Civil for your recognition of our efforts, and to everyone within CHC who has contributed to our success. By leveraging our global network of experts, we will continue to pursue excellence for our people, our business and our environment.”

The Sustentar initiative is an offshoot of ANAC's Sustainable Airports programme and, similarly, is a non-regulatory incentive instrument aimed at recognising proactive initiatives linked to the sustainability of aircraft operations. The programme is aimed at Brazilian air transport companies and aims to promote the adoption of good environmental management practices and disseminate sustainable initiatives employed by national air operators. Participation in the programme is voluntary.

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