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FAA accepts SkyDrive's eVTOL certification application
SkyDrive has submitted its application to the FAA, marking the beginning of its certification journey in the US market. Its goal is to build upon the anticipated JCAB type certification in 2026 or later.
SkyDrive chief technology officer Nobuo Kishi, CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa and chief development officer Arnaud Coville.

SkyDrive has submitted the type certificate application of its three seat SkyDrive SD-05 eVTOL to the FAA through the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). The application was accepted on 29 April, 2024.

Since its founding, one of SkyDrive's core ambitions has been to introduce Japanese-origin air mobility solutions to the world, mirroring the success Japan's automotive industry has attained globally. To prepare for its entry into the US market and commercial operations, SkyDrive established a local subsidiary in South Carolina in 2023. The OEM is now actively collaborating with local customers to develop practical use cases and tailor its offerings to meet the unique needs of the American market.

Guided by the JCAB, SkyDrive has initiated the crucial step of seeking type certification for its eVTOL aircraft. With its support, the company has submitted its application to the FAA, marking the beginning of its certification journey in the US market. SkyDrive's goal is to obtain FAA type certification, building upon the anticipated JCAB type certification in 2026 or later. This milestone will enable SkyDrive to bring its innovative aircraft to the American skies, showcasing the best of Japanese technology and design to a global audience.

CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa says: "Our development team has been working on both aircraft development and type certification activities in parallel. We are very grateful to the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau for supporting our application and look forward to a successful FAA type certification. This collaboration allows us to advance our certification processes in both Japan and the United States simultaneously. With the FAA's experience in the certification process of several eVTOLs and the JCAB already advancing the certification of our aircraft, we aim to work together to create a future where our eVTOL can operate commercially around the world."

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