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Wheels Up broadens membership and charter benefits
Members now get enhanced Delta loyalty rewards as well as guaranteed availability and recovery, and the updated portfolio introduces a charter programme offering private flight credit and commercial airline benefits.
Wheels Up provides on-demand private aviation.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

Wheels Up Experience is working with Delta Air Lines on a comprehensive programme that rewards and incentivises frequent charter bookings. Fliers can expect to earn rewards for each Wheels Up flight: two per cent flight credit for every $50,000 flown and Diamond Medallion status with Delta after achieving a qualifying flight spend.

“We are introducing the marketplace to a new way of flying private, one that further delivers choice to customers and adds to the value of Wheels Up’s premium travel experience by capitalising on our global aviation network, competitive pricing model and unique capacity to offer guaranteed availability and recovery to our members in areas where they travel most,” says CEO George Mattson.

Fliers with predictable annual spend can utilise Wheels Up membership, where a small annual fee and upfront funded flight hours unlock increased flexibility and expanded global access with guaranteed availability and recovery within the US, UK and Europe. Membership provides price protection by featuring capped member costs on high demand days and reduced rates that optimise affordability during non-peak travel times.

Members also have the opportunity to earn Diamond Medallion status with Delta based on their qualifying Wheels Up spend, as well as the ability to use funds on deposit to purchase seats on commercial Delta flights. As an added incentive, eligible members receive a 20 per cent discount on certain Delta fares on select routes.

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