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Moove makes a move on by-the-seat booking
There have been fewer empty seats among European flight departments who tested the module. It manages multiple booking workflows and can support hundreds of reservations without an email or phone call.
Moove co-founders CEO Arthur Ingles and CTO Antoine Awaida.

Moove, a France-based startup specialising in developing technology for on demand aircraft operators, has launched a 'by-the-seat' booking and sales module for flight departments and regional aircraft operators, linked to its marketplace.

Targeting operators with hybrid flights that are looking to optimise load factors, Moove's advanced booking module for corporate shuttles and regional carriers has already successfully reduced empty seats by five per cent during its test phases.

"With our centralised booking platform via the passenger app we are empowering executives and their travel assistants, and simplifying the aggregation of needs to optimise flights and aircraft schedules" says co-founder and CEO Arthur Ingles.

This SaaS module has been in operation for a few months with some of the largest European flight departments and has so far reduced empty seats by five per cent with more than 500 passengers weekly, while reducing the administrative burden.

Following this by the seat logic, Moove has decided to invest in the field of regional airline, charter and helicopter operators that market both on demand flights and seats, but who are constrained by archaic websites or overly expensive passenger service systems. Moove is launching a module that meets their hybrid operations at a much lower cost, with a very advanced embeddable widget and a passenger application.

"Managing multiple booking workflows has been a major technical challenge. We are now achieving a unique level of automation that supports several hundred reservations without a single email or phone call, allowing operators to focus on flight safety," says co-founder and CTO Antoine Awaida.

The module has been selected by offshore personal and corporate travel provider HeliOIS. The Danish company will be able to swiftly meet technicians' travel needs across the North Sea and Europe, where commercial airlines do not fly or offer direct connections. Offshore personnel will be able to travel directly and quickly from one airport where helicopter or crew transfer vessel crew changes occur to another. This will be of particular interest for skilled employees that would be able, within the same day, to work on several sites. It will also strengthen offshore companies' attractiveness by improving employee's family life.

With now more than 25 partner airports now using Moove technology, airlines will be able to distribute directly to a highly relevant local market.

"Digital experience and precise niche distribution are two key levers to enable the growth of regional players that operate some of the most efficient aircraft," concludes Ingles.

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