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The results are in on Amalfi One Jet Card pricing analysis
Dynamic pricing is a clear-cut way to pass cost savings onto clients and build client loyalty says Amalfi Jets, following its internal frequent flyer programme review.
The analysis revealed valuable insight into the savings afforded to clients by the company's Jet Card product on all flights this year.

Following its average dynamic pricing analysis, an internal investigation that looked at all flights for Amalfi One cardholders in 2024 that were flown via its dynamic pricing option, Amalfi Jets drew a direct comparison between the average hourly rate paid versus its capped hourly rates.

"Dynamic pricing is our clear-cut way to pass cost savings onto our clients and build client loyalty," says founder and CEO Kolin Jones. "We aim to show our members that we work on their behalf, not against them."

Across all categories, Amalfi One cardholders saved on average 25.4 per cent on the hourly rate; the breakdown of each rate category is:

- Light jets: $5,995, a 21 per cent saving from the capped hourly rate of $7,500

- Midsize jets: $7,966, a 16 per cent saving from the capped hourly rate of $9,500

- Super midsize jets: $8,225, a 29 per cent saving from the capped hourly rate of $11,500

- Heavy jets: $7,750 (on flights over four hours), a 43 per cent saving from the capped hourly rate of $13,500

- Ultra long-haul jets: $13,150, an 18 per cent saving from the capped hourly rate of $16,500

The Amalfi One Jet Card offers clients dynamic pricing when available, to pass on cost savings to members. The company says this has been proven to build client loyalty, retention and trust.

"In my experience, many clients leave their current providers due to increased prices," says president of sales Brian Francis. "Our analysis shows that we are saving our clients on average 25.4 per cent across all flights."

Amalfi is currently incentivising deposits of over $500,000 with a 15 per cent deposit bonus, meaning a saving of up to 40 per cent by joining in May.

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