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Universal Avionics grows flight recorder readout services
Now available for 25-hour Kapture and fifth-generation cockpit voice and flight data recorders, readout services ensure optimal flight recorder performance and compliance, improving maintenance activities.
Ensure optimal performance and compliance with readout analysis and reports for Universal’s Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorders.

Universal Avionics has expanded its customer support offerings with new flight recorder readout services. Now available for 25-hour Kapture and fifth-generation cockpit voice and flight data recorders (CVR/FDR), readout services ensure optimal flight recorder performance and compliance, improving maintenance activities.

Readout services include:

- FDR, CVR and datalink readout analysis and reports

- Support for recorder certification and annual checkouts

- Compliance with EASA, UK CAA and FAA recommendations

"We're committed to providing comprehensive support, streamlining integration and certification for our flight recorders," says CEO Dror Yahav. "These new readout services leverage our deep experience and connected data capabilities to deliver the best possible customer experience."

Universal Avionics brings over 30 years of pioneering expertise in flight recorder technology to these new readout services. This deep understanding ensures accurate and insightful analysis, giving customers confidence in their flight recorder systems. Its partnership with AMO-approved readout technology specialist APS Aerospace further strengthens its services by providing specialised knowledge and quality assurance.

Universal Avionics' readout services are available immediately through the company's repair services department.

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