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PlaneSmart brings priority access without need for equity ownership
The model is ideal for anyone wanting the perks of owning a light or mid-size jet or turboprop without the financial or administrative burdens of aircraft ownership.
The aircraft access model provides dedicated aircraft without the need for aircraft equity investment.
Read this story in our July 2024 printed issue.

Dallas, Texas-based Part 135 PlaneSmart Aviation has launched an aircraft access model that provides dedicated aircraft without the need for aircraft equity investment.

The programme not only allows clients to enjoy the privileges of private aircraft ownership such as flexible scheduling, enhanced privacy and decreased transit times, but also extends additional benefits such as priority booking options, reduced overhead costs through shared charter opportunities and no long-term financial commitments.

CEO and president Michael Brosler says: “This model is ideal for anyone wanting the perks of owning a light or mid-size jet or turboprop without the financial or administrative burdens of aircraft ownership.”

PlaneSmart manages every aspect of aircraft operations. The company backs the purchase through its own resources and coordinates all crew hiring and training, routine maintenance and unscheduled repairs. Clients are responsible for a fixed monthly cost depending upon their anticipated usage and a variable fee should usage go over their anticipated plans.

Importantly, the parties work together to anticipate the client’s travel needs as far in advance as possible to offset costs through charter when the aircraft is not in use.

“If a client can commit to a minimum level of usage throughout the year, PlaneSmart can be flexible enough to meet most travel needs,” says Brosler.

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