Why visit ACE ’25?
All HondaJet HA-420 models are now supported by ForeFlight's Runway Analysis product, which helps pilots efficiently plan for take off and landing using its integrated obstacle analysis capability. ForeFlight already supports enroute performance planning and weight and balance calculations for the aircraft.
ForeFlight Runway Analysis transforms the tedious task of calculating take off and landing performance into an integral and effortless part of any jet pilot's pre-flight workflow. Built directly into ForeFlight Mobile, planning can be done well in advance of a pilot boarding the aircraft. Runway Analysis seamlessly incorporates relevant flight plan data such as departure and destination airports, the planned route, forecast weather, fuel at take off and landing, weight and balance outputs based on passenger, payload and fuel details, streamlining and automating the process. Pilots need only select their departure runway for ForeFlight to perform a sophisticated obstacle analysis, producing results in seconds and automatically re-running the calculation with any subsequent change to the flight plan.
Boeing company ForeFlight signed a data licence agreement in May to develop Runway Analysis models for HondaJet, since when the two companies have worked closely together to verify the quality and accuracy of the finished models. Honda Aircraft provided digitised high-resolution performance data for its aircraft in lieu of scanned AFM pages, allowing ForeFlight's aircraft performance engineers to bypass the lengthy digitisation process and immediately begin building the Runway Analysis models. This also guaranteed the highest degree of accuracy from the beginning by avoiding potential errors associated with manual digitisation, poor quality scans and AFM print errors.
ForeFlight is proud to support Honda Aircraft Company's flight operations department pilots with its Dispatch flight planning, ForeFlight Mobile EFB and Runway Analysis solutions to streamline company flight operations and demonstrate Honda aircraft performance in a quick and easy way to customers.
"We are excited to work with ForeFlight to create new values in business aviation," says Honda Aircraft president and CEO Hideto Yamasaki. "Building on Honda's longstanding approach of 'Safety for Everyone', Honda will consistently adopt resources to evolve and set new industry standards for safety and operational excellence."