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Duncan Aviation


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Duncan purchases FMG4400D from DeVore
The FMG4400D programme is a new line of business that introduces a whole new set of customers to Duncan Aviation. The company anticipates being able to ship FMG4400D orders by mid-summer 2023.
Duncan Aviation is acquiring equipment and growing its parts inventory during the transition and anticipates shipping new FMG4400D orders by mid-summer 2023.

Duncan Aviation has purchased all intellectual property, capabilities and equipment for the FMG4400D flash measuring gun from DeVore Aviation Corporation, assuming all manufacturing, calibrations, repair and technical support of the FMG4400D programme.

The FMG4400D flash measuring gun is a hand-held, digital measuring instrument manufactured to meet FAA requirements to test the intensity levels of an aircraft's strobe and anti-collision light systems as a part of a programme for continued airworthiness and maintenance. DeVore Aviation Corporation ceased all operations in February 2023 after conducting business for over 60 years.

Duncan Aviation is a company with high standards and is well known for quality and innovation,” says DeVore accounting manager Ruth Mestas. “The FMG programme is in good hands.”

The FMG4400D programme is a new line of business that introduces a whole new set of customers to Duncan Aviation.

“This is a perfect fit for Duncan Aviation's component services offering,” says VP component services and satellites Mark Cote. “We are dedicated to providing the same great service and support to which DeVore customers are accustomed.”

During this transition, Duncan Aviation is actively acquiring equipment and growing its parts inventory. The company anticipates being able to ship new FMG4400D orders by mid-summer 2023.

Duncan Aviation has been providing calibration services to the aviation community for several decades and is now prepared to support the FMG4400D programme. It is an A2LA (cert 3908.01) accredited calibration laboratory to ISO/ IEC 17025 with calibrations traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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