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Safran brings expertise to Aura Aero ERA
Safran Electrical & Power is to work with Aura Aero on the architecture and electric propulsion systems of its Electric Regional Aircraft. Entry into service is planned for 2027.
The ERA 19 seat regional aircraft.

Safran has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with France-based aircraft manufacturer Aura Aero to jointly work on conducting the electrical architecture studies for ERA, a 19 seat regional commercial aircraft with electric propulsion. These studies will focus on the high direct voltage propulsive architecture that will deliver the power needed for the electric engines. The work will also include the non-propulsive electrical architecture used to power the aircraft's other systems. It is thought that several hundred orders will be placed for Aura Aero. The aircraft is slated to make its first flight in 2024, with entry into commercial service planned for 2027.

Safran will also supply the propulsion system for Aura's aerobatic-capable, two seat Integral E flight demonstrator. This prototype will feature a smart ENGINeUS electric motor able to deliver more than 100 kW, and the GENeUSGRID distribution and protection system. Around 60 orders are already expected. The first flight is scheduled for 2022 with deliveries slated for 2023.

Safran Electrical & Power is extremely proud to be partnering with Aura Aero on these two ambitious aircraft programmes. In every way, these projects are in line with our strategic aims: they feature breakthrough technologies, have a low carbon footprint and are electrically powered," says general manager and executive vice president of the power division Hervé Blanc. "This agreement bolsters our position as a key player in the fields of equipment electrification and electric and hybrid propulsion. It also marks two Toulouse-based companies, both firmly established in the Occitanie region's industrial fabric, working together.”

“This joint project between an aircraft manufacturer and an expert in aeronautical electrical systems is a milestone; one that is essential if we are to develop electric aircraft," adds Aura Aero co-founder and chief programmes officer Wilfried Dufaud. "As part of the joint aim to industrialise production of electric aircraft, Safran is providing its rare expertise in high-voltage networks, which is needed for the ERA and Integral E architectures. This collaboration is evidence of our shared determination to decarbonise the aviation sector."

Safran has also signed a MoU with high-performance battery manufacturer Electric Power Systems (EPS) for industrial, technical and commercial cooperation for electric propulsion for aircraft. The two partners intend to combine their respective areas of expertise to offer the most competitive components on the market for an optimised electric propulsion system: Safran has unequalled expertise in electric motors as well as power distribution, while EPS provides cutting-edge energy storage technologies. The objective is to lay the groundwork for commercial, technological, service and industrial cooperation in order to bring a range of high value-added products to the market.

This agreement follows a strategic joint investment by Boeing and Safran in EPS in 2019, aimed at allowing EPS to develop a highly automated manufacturing base able to produce aviation energy storage systems on an unprecedented scale.

"We are very pleased to be stepping up our cooperation with EP Systems. This will enable us to take the next step forward in the electrification of light aviation and maintain our lead in all the technologies required for electric and hybrid propulsion," says Blanc. "With this new component, we will be able to offer aircraft manufacturers the custom products that meet all their needs, from supplying individual pieces of equipment within the electrical systems to delivering turnkey full electrical systems."

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