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Membership hires boost GAMA engagement
Joan Serra and Megan Brien have joined GAMA teams in Europe and the US respectively. Serra will support the navigation of European regulatory affairs, while Brien will bolster membership engagement in activities.
Regulatory affairs manager Europe Joan Serra.

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) has made two additions to its staff: Joan Serra as regulatory affairs manager Europe and Megan Brien as manager of meetings and member engagement.

“We are proud to welcome both Joan and Megan to the GAMA team. They are both filling newly created positions to help us better serve our membership and promote the interests of the industry," says president and CEO Pete Bunce. "With the growth of our global membership, Joan will strengthen our presence in Europe and provide valuable support navigating European regulatory affairs. Megan will help in raising the level of GAMA activities and events and bolster membership engagement in these activities. They have both hit the ground running and have been valuable additions to our incredible team."

Serra joins the GAMA Brussels office after spending several years at Evelop Airlines, where he managed regulatory affairs and flight standards. He also spent some time at EASA as an international cooperation graduate trainee, as well as at ICAO as an economic regulatory framework (Air Transport Bureau) intern. He has an MS of air transport management, a MSc of economic policy and public economy, a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Business Administration. As the regulatory affairs manager for Europe, Serra will manage GAMA's activities related to regulatory requirements and policies in Europe governing the design, certification, operation, training and maintenance of general aviation aircraft.

Brien joins the GAMA Washington DC office after spending several years at the Association of Government Accountants where she managed programmes, events and communications. She also spent time at a manufacturing facility as a customer service manager. Her educational background includes a MA of contemporary communication and a Bachelor of English. As the manager of meetings and member engagement, Brien will manage GAMA projects and events and further cultivate membership engagement.

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