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Mi-38 pilots to train on all-weather simulator
Over more than 20 years, the Kazan Helicopter Plant's Aviation Training Centre has trained almost 9,000 flight and engineering personnel. It is now offering simulator training on the Mi-38 helicopter.
Mi-38 helicopter pilots can train at Kazan on a simulator capable of simulating any weather conditions, vibration and sounds of a working machine.

Russian Helicopters can now train pilots to control the Mi-38 helicopter on a special simulator capable of creating any weather conditions, as well as the vibration and sounds of a working helicopter. Installed at the Kazan Helicopter Plant, it will be able to train the crews of Russian and foreign customers for a new type of aircraft.

The simulator corresponds to Category 3 according to ICAO standards (FTD-3), which allows pilots to be retrained on it and periodically undergo simulator training.

“Today, the Kazan Helicopter Plant has installed simulators for all types of helicopters produced by the enterprise; the Mi-8, Ansat and now the Mi-38. The new equipment not only makes it possible to simulate any weather, including difficult weather conditions, but it is also equipped with a vibroacoustic platform that transmits the sounds and vibrations of a running helicopter. Students will be able to 'fly' over Kazan and the mountainous, wooded area of ​​Adler. We expect that representatives of a foreign operator will be among the first to start training,” said a spokesperson.

The simulator also allows two types of pilot training: with the commander on the left and the commander on the right, depending on the needs of the customer.

“The Mi-38 helicopter is strengthening its position in the market, and we expect an increase in demand for this aircraft in the civilian segment," says general director Nikolai Kolesov. "In particular, we are talking about the version of the Mi-38 with a passenger compartment for 30 seats, which was first introduced in 2021. Accordingly, the need for retraining crews for a new type of aircraft will also grow. The Kazan Helicopters Aviation Training Centre has already prepared a theoretical training programme for the Mi-38, and now simulator training services will also be available to customers.”

A package of documents for certification of the simulator will soon be sent to Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency and a simulator training programme will be agreed. At the moment, the Aviation Training Centre of Kazan Helicopters can train crews of state aviation and foreign customers on the new simulator.

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