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GAMA applauds US AAM working group bill
An inter-agency working group will coordinate the advancement of AAM following the passing of an act through the US House of Representatives; a step towards effective engagement of the government according to GAMA.

GAMA, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, has applauded the bipartisan passage of the Advanced Air Mobility Coordination and Leadership Act out of the US House of Representatives. The bill establishes an interagency working group to more effectively engage the federal government in furthering the advanced air mobility (AAM) sector.

“The AAM sector is on the verge of transforming the future of aviation with the introduction of electric and hybrid powered aircraft into the national airspace system. The Advanced Air Mobility Coordination and Leadership Act will ensure that the federal government develops a coordinated approach for promoting this innovative sector of aviation, which will facilitate additional transportation options, create jobs and economic activity, advance environmental sustainability and new technologies, and support emergency preparedness and competitiveness,” says GAMA president and CEO Pete Bunce. “We commend the House for passing this important bipartisan legislation and are grateful for those that championed it.”

The act authorises the Secretary of Transportation to establish an interagency working group composed of leaders from key government agencies to plan for and coordinate efforts for the advancement of the AAM industry. The working group will be tasked with reviewing and making recommendations for the federal role in the AAM sector, beyond the initial critical stage of aircraft certification and operations, with a focus on economic and workforce opportunities, potential physical and digital security risks and mitigations, and infrastructure development. In developing these recommendations, the working group will consider the views of various stakeholders including aviation operators and manufacturers; airports; labour groups; state, local and tribal officials; consumer groups; and first responders.

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