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Southeast offers Garmin IVSI and ESI replacements
Two separate approved model list STCs are in development by Southeast Aerospace, with the IVSI being created as a cost effective replacement and the ESI being created to offer an alternative option.

Southeast Aerospace has partnered with Garmin International to develop a cost-effective solution to replace instantaneous vertical speed indicators and electronic standby instrument units in Part 25 aircraft with Garmin's GI 275 electronic flight instrument. It is designed to take advantage of the common 3.125 inch flight instrument size, reducing installation time and preserving the existing aircraft panel.

Two separate approved model list (AML) STCs are in development by Southeast Aerospace. The instantaneous vertical speed indicators (IVSI) AML STC was created to provide a cost effective alternative to repairing or replacing the estimated 6,000 Honeywell IVA-81A/D units currently installed in Part 25 aircraft. The GI 275 offers the opportunity to upgrade to a current production unit with future upgrade options and continued support.

The electronic standby instrument (ESI) AML STC was created to offer a lower cost option to replace pre existing higher cost ESI and electromechanical standby instruments with Garmin's current production GI 275 configured as an ESI. It is set up as an ADI to include airspeed and altimeter with optional heading display and optional synthetic vision display available. This new STC along with PMA kits are being designed to allow the SEA approved Garmin dealer to install the GI 275 ESI on any aircraft on the AML.

“We're thrilled to work with Southeast Aerospace on this STC, which will provide the GI 275 IVSI and ESI replacement for a variety of Part 25 aircraft,” says Carl Wolf, Garmin vice president, aviation sales and marketing. “The GI 275 upgrade will offer operators a modern and cost effective replacement solution to avoid the high repair costs and ongoing obsolescence associated with legacy IVSI and standby systems on these aircraft.”

Luke Gomoll, Southeast Aerospace aircraft modifications sales representative states: “Replacing only the equipment that face obsolescence, not entire systems will allow these aircraft to operate safely, more frequently and for less expense over time long into the future.”

Southeast Aerospace's Part 25 AML IVSI and ESI STCs will be available for an expansive list of business aviation aircraft to include Learjets, Citations, Hawkers, Gulfstreams, Challengers, Falcons, Sabreliners and more. It is expecting to receive FAA approval for both the IVSI and ESI AML STC by Q2, 2022.

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