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Single seat booker Wingly Jet will wing its way to London
Wingly Jet hits three different growing needs for passengers: speed, convenience and affordability. immediate flight capabilities are about to start from Geneva, Brest and very soon London. It is also targeting Germany.
Co-founder Emeric de Waziers offers a significant price drop by making the most of single seats.

As the European travel industry rallies together to chart a path towards recovery, Wingly, the French flight sharing platform, is taking advantage of its strong business results over the last 18 months to launch Wingly Jet as a way to bring certain destinations unreachable by train or traditional airlines closer together and make them more accessible.

Wingly Jet will offer one-way seats on private chartered flights and intends to disrupt the private jet business, with its bundled traditional offer. It will open up one-way flights in private jets, which were until now only available by chartering the entire aircraft and paying for the full round trip. Instead Wingly Jet allows for single-seat bookings.

The first step of Wingly Jet’s go-to-market strategy is to offer flight routes operated by partnered aviation companies with immediate flight capabilities starting from Geneva, Brest and very soon London. Wingly Jet's German offer is being validated and will follow.

After having gathered a better picture of the top sources of demand for travel routes and the destinations within countries that travellers are most interested in visiting, Wingly will then expand its flying network.

Wingly Jet hits three different growing needs for passengers: speed: No check-in lines, flexible luggage allowances and on average four times faster than any railway connection; convenience: It directly connects medium- or small-sized cities without making their visitors fly through a bigger hub; and affordability: The traditional private jet price structure has fallen apart, since Wingly Jet unbundles its long-established offer and opens single seats and one-way flights offers to the market.

Co-founder Emeric de Waziers says: “With Wingly Jet we are creating the possibility to book a seat on a private jet rather than chartering the whole plane: this will lead to a significant price drop. As most of the jets fly with 50 per cent seats unoccupied, Wingly Jet will contribute to reaching a better environmentally-conscious approach to seat bookings.”

The traditional bundled flight offer of private jets is no longer reasonable in the current times. This is why Wingly Jet reckons it will disrupt this market, having identified the next growth opportunity, in unison with its users’ needs. Wingly says it has been innovating the aviation industry since its launch in 2015 and will continue to grow. The launch of Wingly Jet as a second mainstay is just a link in a longer chain, aligned with reducing the carbon footprint. In May this year, Wingly partnered with Green Aerolease in helping to provide electric flights to the larger public for leisure flight sharing activities.