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Survival Flight calls on AeroBrigham for B407s
AeroBrigham has instituted a comprehensive internal programme to protect employees and customers from COVID-19 and continues to explore new safety initiatives. It has been delivering Bell 407s to Survival Flight.
The Bell 407 is an accomplished medical machine.

Survival Flight, based in Batesville, Arkansas is continuing to receive support from AeroBrigham, as frontline medical assistance remains of paramount importance.

AeroBrigham is providing solutions by locating, reconfiguring and delivering Bell 407 airframes to Survival Flight in an air medical and night vision ready mission profile. The seventh airframe was recently delivered by AeroBrigham and is now in lifesaving service in the US. The reconfiguration involved an extensive avionics retrofit, custom painting, crew seating and the Arrow Aviation Bell 407 STC air medical interior installation. Survival Flight operates several fixed and rotary wing bases around the country, providing 24-hour air medical transportation for sick and injured patients.

AeroBrigham has instituted a comprehensive internal programme to protect employees and customers from COVID-19 and continues to explore new safety initiatives. The company is based in Decatur, north Texas and offers complete fixed wing and rotor wing maintenance and completion support as well as customised aircraft support solutions and heavy maintenance to fit any need.

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